Have Your Calendar and Print It Too!

We’ve had lots of great feedback about our calendar, and we’re happy to share one more enhancement we’ve made to it: Printing! Don’t get carried away and kill too many trees, but you can now print out your calendar to have a paper copy. First, you will need to open up your large calendar, by clicking “View Calendar” on your Hub Home. When the calendar is open, all you do is press Ctrl + P (or Command + P), and you will be prompted to print the calendar. Click print, and you will have a hard copy of your Hub calendar! You can also use, File -> Print if you are used to doing it that way.

calendar print preview


While we were at it, we also made posts and comment threads print-friendly. If you would like to print a news post, you open up the post you want to print, and click Ctrl/Command + P, just like printing the calendar.

print preview

We hope you enjoy these enhancements as we continue to improve Spokt!

8 thoughts on “Have Your Calendar and Print It Too!”

  1. Nancy Bryant says:

    We really appreciate your efforts at improving Spokt but we have found the Calendar completely unusable because you have populated it with birthdays of many, many people who are no longer active and no one remembers who they are and you have used first names only and we have many duplicates. This might work for small groups but we have a couple hundred members. When I have more time I will attempt to manually delete all this and start over but for now we simply don’t use it. Otherwise we love Spokt but I wanted to provide some feedback since you are not always aware of the needs of various groups

    1. Katie says:

      Hi Nancy, thanks for your feedback! I hope this will help you. You are able to delete events without deleting a member, so if you want to keep those members, you can. Also, if you delete a member, their posts won’t show up as “unknown,” but their birthday will not appear on the calendar. That was a problem with MyFamily.com that we fixed when we migrated sites to Spokt.

  2. Ron Cox says:

    The enhancement is a start, but needs improvement. Instead of first names only on events, letting the last names populate will help with printing. I think the admin should have control on what gets shown on the calendar, for instance what Nancy says there’s names of previous members who no one knows where they are. If we deleted them the posts would change to unknow, and we don’t want that. We would also like an option to choose colors so printing in B&W would not be a problem. Thanks for all you guys do. I am so glad to preserve history from my area I grew up at and my family.

    1. Katie says:

      Hi, Ron! I have answered a couple of your questions in response to Nancy. The option to print in Black & White is a printer setting that you can change; that is why we don’t have it as a setting on the website. I will pass your suggestion about calendar privileges to the Product Team, but for now, almost all the hubs like that all members can add an event to the hub calendar. I’m sorry for any inconveniences this might cause you, and if you have any other questions, you are always welcome to contact our support! (Spokt.com/contact)

  3. Joey Pinkey says:

    When I first noticed that the calendar was going to be available, I thought FINALLY ! One morning when accessing Spokt I saw that the first names only were shown our our calendar, and like Ron Cox says first names would not do. I got on to do other things on the website and returned the following morning and ALL the names from January to December had disappeared ! I took on the task of entering all the last names (‘specially the married gals) and year that they graduated: roughly 2000+ names.
    In answer to Katie’s answer to Nancy, when determining that an Alumni member’s email address is no longer active/good, I’ve deleted that member from the calendar if he/she had a birthday showing. I’ve left it up to others to locate a possible new email address or whatever.
    I had inquired back in August of 2014 of Spokt as to WHY they don’t have a procedure to advise us if an email is not good, upon sending a “re-invite” email to whomever. The answer I’d received was shaky to say the least, but I and hope that others that have been taken on by Spokt from MyFamily do enjoy what’s been provided for a website for a lot of members.

  4. I don’t have a calendar option on my hub

  5. Well DUH ME. I was looking for a link when the whole calendar was right in front of me.

    1. Katie says:

      Hi Barbara! We are glad you figured that out. 🙂 If you have any other questions, I would recommend contacting Support (http://spokt.com/support).

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