Promote Your File Cabinet

Most of Spokt’s users are building a rich family history simply by keeping in touch. They post news and photos and over time a wonderful history is recorded.

There are also people using Spokt to store family history from the past. These are serious genealogists or family historians and it’s great that both types of family history can be recorded on Spokt’s platform.

Today we announce an enhancement that any hub can use but we think will be most used by this second group of more serious historians. You can now promote your File Cabinet to a first class posting type, just like News and Photos.

Promote Your File Cabinet

The steps to make this happen in your hub are:

1. If don’t already have a book called “File Cabinet” create one by adding any existing post to a book called “File Cabinet” or post something new.
2. Visit the “Manage Hub” screen, you’ll see the option to “Make File Cabinet More Prominent” near the bottom.
3. Select “Yes” This will add a “File Cabinet” section to the main navigation for all members.

10 thoughts on “Promote Your File Cabinet”

  1. Nancy Bryant says:

    Thanks for implementing the File Cabinet and making it very accessible. it will be a great place to put some of our basic research. However we would like to save some existing posts in File Cabinet and I don’t see any way to do this. I primarily use y phone to access Spokt. Is it more apparent how to do this if I use my computer or is it only available for new posts? Thanks, Nancy Bryant

    1. Dan says:

      To add a post to the file cabinet you can add posts to the “File Cabinet” book. This feature is not yet available on mobile, you’ll see it on the desktop version.

  2. Robert says:

    You and the team did a great job. Heck, you even found the old files from myfamily and had them up and running. Greatest gift in years. I guess I’d better make the most of this gift and get back out there researching. Well, 11 miles to Mormon Historical Center-1-1/2 hours drive-time from Sherman Oaks to Santa Monica. I might have better luck time traveling than driving? I haven’t been back there in over 15 years. I truly hate dead-stopped traffic. Would any of you drive to spend hours researching in microfilm…do they still/even use that anymore? 😉 Best and God Bless Robert e Lee

  3. Larry says:

    Thanks for the ability to make a book called “File Cabinet” more prominent, but I’m a little confused. Will this actually contain the attachments from all the posts (as seemed to be implied by Robert above)? Or will it only identify posts that have attachments if you include the “book” ‘File Cabinet” as “book” in the post’s “properties”?
    Thanks in advance for the clarification.
    2019FB16 05:30 Sydney

    1. Dan says:

      The feature does not assign the File Cabinet book to all posts with attachments, it just increases the prominence of the File Cabinet book. If you’d like to add all the posts with attachments in your hub to the File Cabinet you could contact Spokt support and ask them to do it for you.

    2. Robert e says:

      Hi Larry, as per example (I’ve had this option on a number of other sites for my genealogy research and gatherings. In any case, let’s say you have a number of readable files that you would find far more useful if you could access them all at once? So you create a New File and copy off data from each of your existing files in to this one, new File which you give a name to that will make it readily understandable to you and your fellow travelers as to what is held inside. Then go to your File Cabinet, press the plus button and it will ask you to continue by adding a file of your choosing. Find said file and add it to File Cabinet and you will then have a named file that others can share in. In my genealogy this is important as various comments, shared files and data become lost in the pages of the past. And when we were all screwed out of/kicked off of, my first concern was losing all the research I had spent years accumulating through mocrofilm at the Mormon Historical Center down in L.A. So I put together large files all jampacked full of various research topics along with comments and added details that people sometimes offer up and we suddenly had 50-100 pages worth of lost information now tucked away into easily identifiable subjects in the File Cabinet. I might add that Spokt was the only company that actually copied off all of my original data-dating back to 1999 when we moved the site. But some others-unnamed-as I had authorized numerous followers to set up the same site on different servers somehow lost the first year’s worth of documents. So they erased all of my basic research from 1999 (when I did the brunt of what I had originally offered to get people to join up/in and participate. Now I know the real geneaolgy lovers llikely copied off every page of our original site, but for the rest, everything would’ve been lost. And you can bet I ad no intention of retyping hundreds of pages. In any case, I truly hope this gives you some ideas for things you/yourself might want to keep/save to share with others and how simply the Filing Cabinet makes it for you to do so. I mean, you could copies of love letters or maps or all the comments from just one person all saved in one file in said Cabinet (we’ve had many of our original members pass away & it can be most valuable, if not respectful to have their thoughts all preserved in one readily found place. Just remember to give your files names that make sense to all others who might seek them out!

      best regards
      Robert e Lee

  4. I added yes and had the file cabinet on the home page but for reasons I don’t know and it disappeared. Also I believe the opportunity to add to home page doesn’t show up. Please correct or tell me what to do.

    1. Dan says:

      Hello there, please contact Spokt Support. They’ll be able to help you out!

  5. I am confused on this “Promote Your File Cabinet” feature. Does it cost extra? Is this something different than “books”. Shouldn’t we be able to find something by “search” ? Awhile back I accidentally deleted a file we had on our members that passed away from different classes. If it had been in this “file cabinet” would I still be able to retrieve it?

    1. Dan says:

      Promoting the File Cabinet simply makes the File Cabinet book show up on the left navigation. It doesn’t protect from accidental deletion.

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