Remember This Feature?

One of our most popular features among our users is the “Remember This?” feature. Once your Hub has been active for some time, the “Remember This?” feature will display one of your older photos at random. It’s like a blast from the past! Next time you see it, click “see another”, and a different photo will appear.

If you want to comment on the photo, or see other users’ comments, simply click on the photo. A fun aspect of this, is when you comment on a old gem, it will appear in your fellow Hub members’ Unviewed list and can spark new conversations! “Remember This?” is a fun way to see old memories, and share them with the ones you love.


15 thoughts on “Remember This Feature?”

  1. While Remember this has been nice I wish we had the ability to choose and old photo to highlight. This would give members the chance to illustrate the point they hope to make.

    1. Jenny Bacon says:

      This is in response to Bill Van Cleave. You CAN sort of do that. I do it all the time. It won’t show up as the cover “Remember This” photo, but all you have to do is comment under an old photo that you want other members to see and it will show up as an unviewed item for them, and they can reminisce with you.

    2. Katie says:

      Thanks for the suggestion, Bill! I will definitely pass that on to our Developers.

    3. Judy says:

      My sentiments exactly. The feature of being able to select our own photo for a birthday, anniversary or celebration for Highlighting is really missed on Spokt. This is a big thing for us.

    4. Dan says:

      Thanks Judy, I’ll share your feedback with the product team.

  2. R W Vernon says:

    While I highly enjoy the “Remember This” tool, I would appreciate the ability to self select a specific photo to highlight, for member birthday, anniversaries, memorial etc…

  3. Enid Albat says:

    Agreed. We do select old photos ourself and comment on them but they don’t highlight like the old front page on MyFamily. Really miss the scrolling announcement, banner and photo that got everyone on the same page, the front page!

  4. Just today the Remember This was one of my Thanksgiving Tables. Where I live we celebrate Thanksgiving on the last Thursday in November, don’t you?

  5. Janet Post says:

    While we enjoy the Remember This and all the things you guys have set up for us former MyFamily immigrants, we ALL do really miss being able to post a photo in a reply to a photo or to news. Will you be giving us that option soon? How about being able to design our front page? Thanks for all you do.

    1. Dan says:


      Thanks for the feedback and the gratitude! We are interested in making improvements to the hub home but aren’t ready to announce anything yet!

    2. Janet Post says:

      Thanks, I will trust you.

  6. Today one of the Remember This items was remarkably on target. We were discussing my wife’s family and the random selection was her grandfather’s draft registration. A great choice for something chosen by random. Thanks.

  7. Today one of the Remember This items was remarkably on target. We were discussing my wife’s family and the random selection was her grandfather’s draft registration. A great choice for something chosen by random. Thanks. I try to give credit when credit is due.

  8. Daisy Jeffery Frostad says:

    I am trying to get more info on the kaisers

    1. Dan says:

      Any Kaisers here want to chime in? Otherwise your best bet would be to contact support:

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