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“Other” Calendar Features

We have some other Calendar features you might want to know about! If you would like to see a general tour of our Calendar, you can watch a screencast here.       Edit To edit or delete an event, hover your mouse over the desired event. If you want to edit the event, click on the pencil icon. If you would like to delete the event, click on the trash can icon. other anniversaryTo add an Anniversary for someone not on Spokt, simply click on the Anniversary tab, and when you are prompted to select a user, go to the bottom of the list, and click “other.” You will then be able to manually type in the name(s) you need. other birthday To add a Birthday for someone not on Spokt, you follow the same instructions for adding an Anniversary, but click on the Birthday tab instead!

Connections to the Past: Æbleskivers

When families keep traditions, they make holidays and other occasions more personal and special. One of my favorite family traditions is making æbleskivers on special mornings, like birthdays. Æbleskivers (aebleskiver or ebleskiver in the US) are a Danish breakfast that are like a cross between doughnut holes and pancakes. The recipe was handed down through my family, and it’s always such a treat to make (and eat) them! I’ve made a short video to help explain the unique process of making them. I’ve also included the recipe and a link to the special pan, just in case anyone wants to try their hand at making them.


makes about 3 dozen

Stir together in order:

3 egg yolks
2 heaping TB sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups buttermilk
1 teaspoon soda in 1/4 cup hot water
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking power
1 teaspoon vanilla
Fold in 3 egg whites beaten until fluffy


Warm the Æbleskiver pan to a medium low heat. Once batter is ready, generously grease the pan, and pour batter into each section, and slowly rotate each with a skinny knitting needle (say THAT 3 times fast!) until they are fully cooked. Repeat until all the batter has been used. Top with butter, powdered sugar, jam etc.

If you need a pan you can get here at